February 15, 2025

A Mammogram, Norman Birnbach's new book & My Mother's Spirit

The other day, I went to have a (.)(.) mammogram. The procedure is not fun but a MUST FOR EVERY WOMAN. Afterward, in my sexy medical apron, they give you, I took a seat in the waiting room. Soon, I was engrossed in Norman Birnbach's new science fiction/time travel/smart/fun-to-read book, Stealing Time

"Bonni Brodnick?" Eve, the sonogram technician, called out.

Dang. I was right in the middle of a scene where Tori, the time-traveling teenager goes back 40 years to her father, Bob, (now known as "Bobby" because she's meeting up with him in 1980 when he's 15 years old, too) are about to stop a diamond heist and, well, you have to read the book. It's clever, inventive, witty, and quick-moving.

Ready?" asked Eve. "We're going to room 3, on the right."

At that point, I always pray that they won't find anything hiding in my breast.

I got on the table. As I was lying there, Eve asked, "Did your mother pass away recently? Because I just saw her spirit following you."

WHAHHHH? How the heck did a sonogram technician at my health group know that my mother died almost a month ago? 

"Yes! She did!" I said with the belief that maybe Mom was there.

We immediately began discussing the afterlife, the parallel universe, and eternity.

Eve told me she has a sixth sense. Her body begins to tingle when there is a spirit in the room. She  went on to tell me about the sitings she has had. 

I believe in it all. I welcome spirits. 

I feel blessed that my mother is with me. She gave me life, not once, but twice.


Anonymous said...

Now that is a moment to savor. How beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Bonni, I texted u on FB messenger. We met at Phelps this past Sept-October. (Kathy)

Bonni Brodnick said...

Hi Kathy!! (Didn't get the FB messenger.) I remember you! Please contact me at bonnibrodnick@gmail.com

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