July 15, 2024

"My Stroke in the Fast Lane" redesign in now available!!

On the first pages of My Stroke in the Fast Lane: A Journey to Recovery, it reads:

This book is dedicated to my mother,
who gave me life, not once, but twice.

Imagine what it was like for her that Easter morning. I (on the left) was driving 65 MPH on a three-lane major highway when I had the stroke. When I didn't respond to a question my mother (right) posed about my son's upcoming wedding on Martha's Vineyard, she saw that something was very wrong. At first, she panicked, then did the unthinkable: She leaned over, veered hard to the right, and crashed us into a guardrail on the side of the highway. I would absolutely, bar none, not be here telling my story if it hadn't been for Mom.

This newly designed cover reveals us in the going-out-of-control moment. The car is slightly askew, and my mother is crazed. She was about to give me a second life.

Gratitude to Lisa, Amanda, and Wanda for contributing to the "Praise" page:

The back cover is different, too:

And these snappy new bookmarks!! 


My Stroke in the Fast Lane: A Journey to Recovery

is available at your favorite local bookstore, 

on Amazon (in Kindle or paperback)

or BookShop.org



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