Photo: Fran Collin
Remember when you could say, "Geez, it's freezing out." Now, it's HOT!! It's mid-January and the temperature hit 66 this weekend. Global warming! No more winters with snowballs and hot cocoa from a thermos on a walk in the woods.
In my book, POUND RIDGE PAST, Pat Marshall Bartram is featured in the chapter "Barrels of Oil and Blocks of Ice" (page 40). She talks about life in Pound Ridge in the 1930s ... "In wintertime, we went ice skating, The big boys would clean off a whole section on the back side of the lake, drive their cars out on the ice, and go skating. We used to have real cold winters back then. By December 1st, we generally always had a snowman in the front yard ... We ice skated in December and January, but towards the end of February, Grandpa wouldn't allow us to go on the ice anymore."
Now that's the kind of December and January weather I remember.
To receive a copy of POUND RIDGE PAST, a book about life in Pound Ridge. New York from the 1920s -1970s, contact me at
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