Thursday, February 16, 12-2 p.m.
Pound Ridge Library
Pound Ridge Library is the hub of our community. Not only is it a resource for studying, research and learning, it is an important gathering place for local events and many town organizations. And along with being an intellectual resource, Pound Ridge Library is a concert and lecture hall, art gallery, bookstore and meeting place for all ages. The library needs our support because it does so much to give Pound Ridge a strong sense of community.
On Thursday, February 16, 12-2 p.m., Louise Paolicelli, Pound Ridge N2N Liaison, will give slide presentation of archival photos which will be proceeded by moi ... as I give a personal look at several Pound Ridge personalities featured in my book, Pound Ridge Past: Remembrances of Our Townsfolk.
Books will be available at the talk. If you'd like to get a leg-up beforehand, Pound Ridge Past is also available at Elm Street Books in New Canaan or at Chubby's in Scotts Corners.
For more information, feel free to drop me a line, give me a ring, send a text, or give a shout-out at poundridgepast@gmail.com.
Bonni , Sadly I just found your blog, I look forward to reading your book. Will pick up your book in Chubby's. I wish I had been at the library to hear Andy Hammerstein. Regards, Barbara Mitzner Pound Ridge resident for 26 years........still love it!
Hi Barbara, Thanks so much for your note. If you're in New Canaan, POUND RIDGE PAST is also available at Elm Street Books. All best, Bonni
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